Amazon has chosen ALL MY BELONGINGS as one of its March Big Deal titles! Please help spread the word. New readers may have been waiting for the hope within its pages! (And yesterday, ALL MY BELONGINGS was named a 2014 ForeWord Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Finalist!)
Interview with Alton Gansky
Two things converged to help make this recent interview with Alton Gansky, director of the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers’ Conference, especially gratifying. It was recorded via Skype just the day after the release of my newest novel–All My Belongings. And the BRMCWC Selah Awards program had just announced that another of my novels–When the Morning Glory Blooms–and my nonfiction–Ragged …
Spring Scavenger Hunt
So glad you stopped by today. This is my first time participating in a Fiction Scavenger Hunt. It’s an honor for me to be included with these dozens of fiction authors whom I’ve long admired. And I’m excited about the interaction with readers–both those whom I already consider friends and those new to me. The prizes will amaze you…and so …