Use the contact form below to reach out to Cynthia about speaking at your event:
hope-filled topics for women’s groups
Cynthia has many other topics, and most can be adapted to fit your event’s theme.
When life looks a lot like the Book of Job
How do we use life’s soul-rattling experiences in a God-honoring way?
(Looking for HOPE in all the right places.)
The Art of Healing the Soul
People are tattered. The world says, “Then let’s make tattered fashionable.” But God invites us to mend. Nothing provides as fascinating a story as the story of the wounded made whole.
Surviving the fallout of other people’s choices
Whatever happens to us, whatever the Lord walks us through, God can use to communicate to others about His sustaining power, His unparalleled grace, and His indestructible HOPE.
Finding a listening ear in the women of the Bible and the God they served
Women are blessed when we find a friend who “gets us.” We’re soul-deep blessed when we discover that God “gets us.” He tucked that message throughout His Word and the rich, emotive, that’s-my-life kind of stories of the women of the Bible. Through “Women Like Me…Finding a Listening Ear in the Women of the Bible and the God They Served,” we’ll journey together past the surface layer of their stories to uncover hope for our heart’s deepest longings and deep refreshment in saying, “They’re women just like me.”
Like the childhood game of Catch Me played between parents and toddlers, the “win” is in being caught.
Is GRACE a side dish of life–an extra–or its main course? What would life look like if we reorganized our plates and made GRACE the entree?
What’s keeping us from soaring “on wings like eagles” as God promised we could? What does an eagle know that we don’t?
Engaging, deep, full of passion and compassion–Cynthia Ruchti is the real deal. She loves Jesus, loves the Scriptures, and loves people. A perfect combo for your next event. (And you will love her sense of humor.)
– Author and speaker Jane Rubietta
Cynthia Ruchti is a person everyone should read, hear speak and know! In a world of platitudes Cynthia wraps Biblical principles in heart-warming stories, and life-changing practical wisdom.
—Pam Farrel, author of 45 books including Men Are Like Waffles, Women Are Like Spaghetti
Cynthia was truly a blessing to our women’s retreat! She instilled strong Biblical principles while adding humor and personal experience to her presentations. We had many women seek out more advice and counseling with her throughout our weekend with her.
—Lisa Moses, Women’s Ministry Coordinator
I came to know Cynthia years ago when she facilitated a retreat for the volunteers of the pregnancy center for which I was Executive Director. It was a blessing beyond description; her passion, her heart for the Lord came forth in everything she shared with us. Fast forward a number of years and she once again facilitated a women’s retreat gathering. Phenomenal; her presentation, her heart for the Lord was amazing. Cynthia is a blessing and a true servant of Christ!
—Janna Janke
I have heard Cynthia speak twice and she does so with humor, grace and authenticity. Her teaching…lets you know she truly has been there and is filled with gentle encouragement.
—Susan Baganz, women’s ministries leader and author
A few years ago Cynthia spoke at a retreat I attended. She taught us not only how much in common we have with the personal heartache and trials women in the Bible had but also her life, making herself vulnerable to help others see that in their struggles they are not alone. Many speakers come to retreat and keep their emotional guards in place. I believe that’s in an attempt to keep themselves separate emotionally, protected from the ugliness sin often leaves attached on the souls of those in emotional, physical or spiritual crisis. Cynthia came and loved on us. Sharing compassion, love and mercy through scripture, testimony, and song.
—Justina Lyn
(Cynthia) touched a place deep within me that had been left raw by domestic violence and a near-fatal accident. I used to struggle and felt angry when in the presence of women who called themselves Christians…those who portrayed a fluffy life of carrying their Bibles with them everywhere but staying emotionally distant from those different than themselves. While (Cynthia was) speaking, I could tell that she was making eye contact with women in the audience, allowing God’s gift of discernment to pour love on those in desperate need of being rescued from drowning in self-pity, loss of hope, or complete spiritual exhaustion.
—retreat attendee
Cynthia didn’t just speak of God’s unconditional Love, she also SHOWED us unconditional love, something that many of us believed to be a foreign concept only read about it fairy tales. With God as her guide she tore through our walls, leaving most of us crumbled, crying tears of complete surrender on our knees before the throne of God. The weekend she came and ministered to us was a huge turning point in my life.
—women’s retreat attendee