I hope you’ll agree that receiving another post from me so soon is a good thing when you look into this fabulous virtual tour of Madeline Island–the setting for the novel As Waters Gone By–and the giveaway connected to it. What a fun way to get to know the setting better, and discover some of what made Emmalyn in the …
Tattered and Mended: New Release and Giveaway
It’s release day! After living in my heart for so long, the book Tattered and Mended: The Art of Healing the Wounded Soul is now released to the public! As part of the celebration, Abingdon Press and Litfuse Publicity have created a wonderful giveaway. Each item speaks to the heart of the book–reclaiming something beautiful from the broken and shattered. …
Hope lives here. Even here.
Hope lives here. Even here. The idea can change everything. Even in the surgical waiting room. Even when your application for a mortgage is rejected. Even in the hospice room. Even in the throes of another battle with a wayward child. I first worded it that way—Hope lives here. Even here.—when creating a centerpiece chalkboard for a table by the …
Summer Fun Contest Winner
Congratulations to the WINNER of my As Waters Gone By giveaway, LouAnn Miller! LouAnn, you should receive an email from somebody at Litfuse Publicity Group, or you can email your mailing address to info {at} litfusegroup {dot} com. LouAnn, I’m excited for you to receive the package and dive into the book. Thank you to everyone who entered and to those …
Q&A Laced with Hope
It was an honor to have Clash Entertainment post a recent Q&A specifically about my latest release, As Waters Gone By. May you find among the post a word of hope for your own concerns. Click on Clash Entertainment blog for that interview. May your life be hemmed in hope. Cynthia
NOTE: The Hunt begins at NOON Mountain time on April 16 and ends at midnight Mountain on April 19, 2015, so you have a long weekend to complete all 32 stops and maximize your chances at prizes! Here is information about the basics. Welcome to the Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt! I am a part of TEAM PURPLE, and this is Stop #13. If you’re just joining us, …
OFF TOPIC–Making It Work Without Losing Your Mind
This is completely off topic from my normal posts here, which are rare, but will soon become more frequent as I expand the ways that I interact with you whom I’ve met through speaking engagements, through the radio ministry now retired, or through one of my novels, devotions, or nonfiction books. Today, I’m responding to several friends who are new …
Amazon has chosen ALL MY BELONGINGS as one of its March Big Deal titles! Please help spread the word. New readers may have been waiting for the hope within its pages! (And yesterday, ALL MY BELONGINGS was named a 2014 ForeWord Reviews INDIEFAB Book of the Year Finalist!) http://tinyurl.com/nyjbj58
A Life Cut Short
Too many families know the nothing-like-it piercing pain that accompanies the word “suicide.” Our nation felt its reverberations recently. If you know someone affected by suicide’s aftermath, consider pointing them to this video link or the hope-giving pages of Ragged Hope: Surviving the Fallout of Other People’s Choices. The Swaddling Effect–Olivia’s Story. If that family is yours, please know I’m …
The Most Important Information
Some of you know that I spent 33 years writing and producing a 15 minute radio broadcast that aired across the country…and via Internet streaming around the world. From time to time, I’ll post short audio snippets from those broadcasts, now retired. Here’s the first HopeNote: Cynthia HopeNote Two Thirty The Most Important Piece of Information_mixdown
Ditch Digging
Few words today. But I pray they encourage your heart as they have mine.
From Whom All Blessings Flow
It has been a wild but wonderful several weeks. One of the reasons I haven’t posted much here lately is because I’ve been caught up in a whirlwind of activity. The novel releasing next year is edited and on its way to the printer for Advanced Reader Copies for early reviewers and industry connections. That book–As Waters Gone By–is still …