Are you living a destination life or an explorer life?
Much of my life is spent headed for a particular destination–the end of a project, the specific spot on the map. But on a recent research trip to Bayfield/Ashland/Madeline Island in the northernmost tip of Wisconsin, I allowed myself the freedom of exploration. As I pointed my car down this road, I didn’t know if it would be a rough or smooth ride, lead me to civilization or away from it, provide rest stops along the way or not, afford me scenic overlooks or lead me deep into the woods.
It didn’t matter. I was in explorer mode.
What would happen if you and I adopted that mindset more often in day-to-day living?
“Where will this lead?” Don’t know. Let’s go exploring.
“I’m afraid to move forward because I don’t know where or how this will end.” It’s about the journey.
“I’ve never been down this road before.” All the more reason to stay observant.
“If I only had a guide…” We do.
My sister-in-law has embarked on a journey through breast cancer. The road is steal-your-stomach rough in some places. She didn’t expect this detour. And she didn’t expect the kind of breathtaking scenery it would afford her either. The kindness of friends and family. The blessing of compassionate as well as wise doctors. Newly approved “promising” medications. Peace that passes understanding, unexplainable, overriding everything, indescribable, worth-talking-about peace.
Philippians 4:7 Common English Bible–“Then the peace of God that exceeds all understanding will keep your hearts and minds safe in Christ Jesus.”
She’s living an explorer life, a life of discovery. She’s discovering that the rhythm of the tires on gravel sounds much like someone speaking her name to the Healer: “Jesus? Betty! Jesus? Betty! Jesus? Betty!”
Jesus? Beauty. There’s beauty even on this unfamiliar path. Don’t let us miss any of it while we go exploring with You.