A crumbling statue. A torn tapestry. A discolored painting. Artisans can reclaim exquisite beauty from the broken, frayed, and hopelessly shattered–perhaps once thought beyond repair.
But what about us? What of the scars and broken places we hide inside? What of the wounds that keep us from living the life we want to live? Can our tattered souls ever be mended?
In Tattered and Mended, author Cynthia Ruchti walks readers through a gallery of reclaimed and restored art as well as broken and restored lives. With a gentle touch and personable wisdom, Ruchti shows how even the most threadbare soul can once again find healing and hope.
➛ Behind the Scenes of Tattered and Mended/a>
See what Publishers Weekly had to say about it here.
“Ruchti’s prose can sing (“Sorrow creates its own poverty”), and she is blessedly free of self-help platitudes.”
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