These no-longer-newlyweds want out of this road trip–and their marriage. Too bad they can’t find the off-ramp.
Weeks away from their one-year anniversary, Mallory and Connor Duncan can’t even agree on how to end their marriage. But when a last-minute crisis lands them on a three-thousand-mile road trip together, Mallory wonders if their story may not be over after all.
The trip begins to unravel before the key is even in the ignition, and an at-risk, trouble-seeking missile of an eleven-year-old is unexpectedly launched into their travel plans. Close quarters get even tighter, and the couple believes this whole experience will spell disaster.
But as new challenges pop up around each bend, Mallory and Connor are surprised by the strengths they see in one another–and how they complement each other. Their first year of marriage hasn’t been the arm-in-arm togetherness they expected . . . but can they find a new beginning when the road ends?
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